Pilots like to be able to use their aircraft.  If you do not have instrument capability, both aircraft and pilot, you have to accept less utility to maintain safety.  Obviously flying in only CAVU conditions makes for weather safety but makes an aircraft almost worthless for travel.  So how can you get maximum possible utility VFR from an aircraft while still maintaining weather safety?  

     This boils down to how you view your weather situation when flying in somewhat less than ideal weather conditions VFR.  You can keep checking to see if you are in VFR conditions.  The answer will be “yes”—until it is “NO” and now you are in serious trouble.  

     Let’s look at flying in less than ideal weather.  Sometimes looking at a problem with a different point of view solves the problem.  How you look at your weather situation while flying VFR can make the difference between getting the maximum possible utilization of your airplane or winding up in a disaster.

     The usual way of looking at the situation when flying in murky weather is something like:

Advantage versus Disadvantage.

If I can get home, this is an advantage.  If I have to land and stay overnight in Podunk, this is a disadvantage.  And the question I will probably be asking myself while flying in these conditions is, “Am I still VFR?”

     At this point let’s look at the big picture of your situation.  Few pilots will take off VFR (or IFR) when freezing rain, fog, and thunderstorms are all present.  Most try to be careful.  So the takeoff is likely to be in not too bad conditions.  Now comes the important part.  If you took off in it, but you are ‘concerned’ about the weather, that means the weather is getting worse!!!

     Sometimes weather, whatever the weather, is pretty stable over a wide area.  But this is not the usual case.  Normally, weather is getting worse when flying in one direction and better when flying in the opposite direction.

     So if you did not make an insanely stupid takeoff and you are now showing some concern about the weather, it means the weather is getting worse.  Maybe it’s not bad yet but it is getting worse or it would not be a concern.  The likelihood of the weather getting down just to the edge of VFR minimums and suddenly getting better is low.  “Zilch” might be the better answer.

     Therefore, the question you should be asking yourself as you fly is, “Am I likely to be still VFR five minutes from now and fifteen minutes from now?”  If you cannot answer yes to this question, then your situation is as follows.  And this is where the lifesaving change in viewpoint comes in.  

     Your actual situation probably is not: advantage; I get home vs. disadvantage; I’m stuck overnight in Podunk.  Your real situation is almost assuredly:

Disadvantage versus Worse Disadvantage.

Disadvantage; I’m stuck overnight in Podunk vs Worse Disadvantage; I fly further, use up more time and more gas, and return to Podunk for overnight providing I haven’t gotten myself in trouble in the meantime.  

     Disadvantage vs. Worse Disadvantage is a much easier decision to make as well as a more accurate assessment of the situation than Advantage vs. Disadvantage.  Notice that you have obtained maximum use possible from the aircraft under these circumstances without pushing your luck.  

     Most weather accidents to VFR pilots do not occur in severe weather—VFR pilots usually don’t go there.  They occur in weather that’s just a little more than VFR pilots can handle—often weather that would be easy for an IFR pilot.  

     Again, the key to getting maximum VFR utility from your aircraft and yet maintaining safety, when the weather is not improving, is the change in viewpoint from

     Advantage: get home; vs. Disadvantage: overnight in Podunk

to the viewpoint

     Disadvantage: stay overnight in Podunk: vs.

Greater Disadvantage: waste time and gas while taking excessive risk before landing at Podunk anyway.

     “Am I likely to still be VFR five minutes from now and fifteen minutes from now?”  If yes, you may be able to keep going.  If not, go back and land.

     Keep this in mind while earning your instrument rating.  

Maximum VFR Utility in Poor Weather

Dr. Sherwood Kaip

El Paso, TX

<skaip799@gmail.com>;   cell: 1 (915) 309-6340

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